Happy New Year,
As always, I skip New Year’s resolutions because they just don’t work. All this,” I’m going to lose weight work out more stay on top of paperwork etc.” just doesn’t work. This only happens with a plan not a statement of intent. Most resolutions are done by the end of January just a few make it to February and that’s about it. You can tell at the gym; they are packed the first two weeks of January then it tapers off. There is a statement I heard from our guide while white water rafting just before a grade five rapid. “You gotta want it” and that says it all.
I have noticed if you watch the Nightly News, you are going to learn about all the wonder drugs available. It’s not from the news, but from the ads. Now if you listen to all side effects, I wonder why anyone takes them. Sudden death in my book is not a side effect. I have recently tried to read dosages and side effects on a drug that was prescribed to me. I never knew there was a font that small. I tried a magnifying glass with a bright light, but it set the paper on fire. So, I went to the internet. I would have needed a medical professional to figure out what it said. Therefore, I take one a day like the vitamin we took as kids. So far, I haven’t grown a horn and I haven’t died, kind of disappointing. The only thing I have noticed is the price going up.
I received this text on New Year’s Day and I thought I would share it. “Good morning and welcome to 2023. We are taking off into the new year. Please be sure your positive attitude and gratitude are secured and locked in the upright position. All self-destruct devices: pity, anger, selfishness, pride, and resentment should be turned off at this time. All negative, hurt and discouragement should be put away. Should you lose your positive attitude during this flight under pressure reach up and pull down your faith. Your faith in your family and friends and whatever you have strong beliefs in. There will be no baggage on this flight. The captain has been cleared for takeoff. Destination: Greatness!!” I liked this because our lives are not about the news and politics. Our lives are about the people who surround us and how we interact. I am tired of hate speech, and everything associated with it. We as a people are much better than that. That’s all for now Good Luck in the New Year and Soldier On.
Tom Yocom
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